copyright 2002 by the ARTS Consortium. ARTS is a project within the fifth framework programme of the European Union - competitive and sustainal growth.

As ARTS nears its conclusion, activities turn towards disseminating the key results and experiences from the eight ARTS demonstrations, which have addressed Demand Responsive Transport solutions, Integrated School Transport solutions and Information-Based transport solutions in rural areas across Europe.

A final Conference has been hold jointly between ARTS and the UK Community Transport Association on Thursday 8th September 2004 at Keele Hall, part of the Keele University Campus in Staffordshire, UK. The event, entitled “Integrated Rural Transport Solutions in Europe - A Practical Approach to Planning, Operation and Evaluation of Integrated Transport Systems in Low-Density Rural Areas” has publicised and promoted one of the key project deliverables – the ARTS Handbook. The Handbook and associated Toolbox provide practical advice and report on lessons learnt in the planning, operation and evaluation of integrated rural transport projects based on the ARTS experience.

The Conference, organised by CTA with assistance from Transport & Travel Research Ltd (TTR), has been a very practical event, encouraging sharing of experiences and innovative thinking in order to move forward in developing integrated rural transport solutions.

The Conference has had five key sessions to take delegates through the process of designing and planning, through developing and operating, to evaluating the impacts of integrated transport schemes, with a final plenary session to bring all of the day’s themes together. Technical tours have also be offered on Thursday 8th September, where visits have been made to innovative rural transport schemes.

Session 1. Introductions (to ARTS and the Handbook)
Session 2. Designing & Planning Integrated Transport Schemes
Session 3. Developing & Operating Integrated Transport Schemes
Session 4. Evaluation and Moving Forward
Session 5. Plenary Session

9:00 9:30 0:30 REGISTRATION    
9:30 10:10 0:40 INTRODUCTIONS    
9:30 9:40 0:10 Jenny Meadows CTA UK
9:40 9:50 0:10 Pedro Puig-Pey ARTS Co-ordinator Spain
9:50 10:10 0:20 Per Gunnar Andersson Trivector Sweden
10:10 11:20 1:10 DESIGN & PLANNING    
10:10 10:30 0:20 Graham Lightfoot Taylor Lightfoot Transport Consultancy UK/Eire
10:30 10:50 0:20 UK Speaker UK  
10:50 11:05 0:15 Evelin Unger Azadi ILS Germany
11:05 11:20 0:15 Norman James, Associate Director Transport & Travel Research Ltd UK
11:20 11:40 0:20 REFRESHMENTS & NETWORKING    
11:40 11:55 0:15 UK Speaker   UK
11:55 12:10 0:15 ARTS partner    
12:10 12:25 0:15 Christos Vazouras FORTH Crete
12:25 12:45 0:20 UK Speaker   UK
12:45 13:05 0:20 Norman James, Associate Director Transport & Travel Research Ltd UK
13:05 14:15 1:10 LUNCH & NETWORKING    
14:15 15:15 1:00 EVALUATION    
14:15 14:35 0:20 UK Chair CTA UK
14:35 14:55 0:20 Michael Meschik BOKU Austria
14:55 15:15 0:20 Clare Greensmith Transport & Travel Research Ltd UK
15:15 15:25 0:10 BREAK    
15:25 16:25 1:00 MOVING FORWARD    
15:25 15:45 0:20 Veli Himanen JPT Finland
15:45 16:05 0:20 Gordon Stokes Countryside Agency UK
16:05 16:25 0:20 Steve Blackmore Department for Transport UK
16:25 16:40 0:15 PLENARY SESSION    
16:25 16:40 0:15 Norman James, Associate Director Transport & Travel Research Ltd UK